Julie’s been working with Swarme for just a month now. She contacted us via our Facebook page and said she wanted a job in care but didn’t have any experience. Once we got talking to her it turned out that Julie had loads of transferable skills from her previous job in hospitality. What we loved about her was her enthusiasm and excitement about making a difference. Julie’s now completed her initial training and she’s getting paid work as a care assistant. We asked her to tell her story.
Julie’s Story
“At the start of the pandemic I was like every other young mum I knew; dropping my oldest at school and my youngest with my mum. Then work till 5.00pm when I dashed home to see them for an hour before their bedtime. It’s just the way it was. I hadn’t even thought of any other way of managing my days.
The Pandemic Changed Our Lives
Then the PM said we were going into lockdown on 16th March and my partner and I went into overdrive just trying to reorganise our lives. He’s a supermarket manager so he continued at work but I was furloughed. My grandad was shielding, so I said I’d do his shopping for him to help out. That was all fine. What worried me most was the kids. I hadn’t been a full-time mum for a couple of years, since I went back to work full time. To be honest I didn’t know how I’d cope.
I Got To Know My Kids Again
Long story short, I loved every moment of my new life. I know the pandemic was a dreadful thing to happen but it let me get to know my children again. I couldn’t think why I’d got myself into a job where 5 days a week I didn’t get to spend any time with them.
A ‘What am I Doing With My Life? Moment
Trouble was, I knew I wanted things to change but I couldn’t think how to make it happen. Suddenly all the balls were up in the air. I didn’t want to go back to my old job but I had to work and I didn’t know what I wanted to do, or what was even possible. It was a real ‘What am I doing with my life?’ moment.
Care Work Was a Lightbulb Moment
Thank goodness for Janice, my sister. She’s doing a social work degree at UoB. She sent me a link about care work. I almost didn’t bother to look because I haven’t got experience or qualifications. Good job Janice was on my case! When I read about what Care Work is and how you don’t need experience to get started, my heart was pounding faster and faster. It sounded too good to be true.
Mark, my partner, wasn’t sure. But we agreed I’d look into it. So I did. I contacted Swarme because they were local and I’d seen their adverts about flexible hours for carers. What I didn’t expect was that you get training on the job, so it’s not like you’re stuck – you can gain experience and qualifications if you want. Best of all, you can find work that fits around your life.
Swarme Offers the Support You Need
So, first contact with Swarme back in early July and now I’m actually at work as a care assistant!! Can’t believe I was able to turn it all around, just like that. There’s a really solid training process in place for people like me, without experience and loads of support as you take your first baby steps in care.
My First Care Assistant Job
My first job was taking an elderly gentleman out shopping to the supermarket; I was so nervous. Now I see him regularly and he tells me my visits are the highlight of his week. I absolutely love what I do now. I actually look forward to work. And I can see how to make a proper career out of it without missing out on my kids growing up.
Don’t Wait – Change Your Life if You Want to
So, my message to people reading this who are maybe feeling ‘stuck’, or perhaps you’ve just lost your job and you’re in a panic. Get in touch with Swarme. They’re a lovely team, really supportive, and you can start earning pretty much straight away. Honestly, if you want to make a difference and you like working with people, it’s the best.”
Are you looking for a job which is flexible, requires no previous experience, and provides training for a future career? Call Swarme today to get started – 01234 841809