More and more people are choosing to receive the care they need in their own homes. At Swarme we regularly hear from clients that they can’t face the upheaval of moving to unfamiliar surroundings and living to someone else’s timetable. Live-in home care provides you with the professional support to continue living life on your terms. In this blog we look at how live-in care works for clients.
“Real lift to have someone around to help, and we don’t feel guilty that we’re not doing more.”
Sabrina. L
Planning the Care You Need
Our first step is always to sit down with clients to find out what help they need. It could be that family members are already providing some care, so we’ll talk to them about how we can support and strengthen what they’re already doing. Together we create a care plan which details the tasks that your professional carer will carry out.
A care plan isn’t just about symptoms; it’s about a whole spectrum of requirements that will give our clients a good quality of life. We take into account your home environment, your mobility, social circle, interests, spiritual beliefs and interests. Our aim is to find a carer who is a good match for you, to provide the care you need in your home.
“I didn’t like the idea of having a stranger in the house all the time; I value my privacy. So I was surprised how easy it was to adapt the having live-in care. Jake’s there when I need him but he has a knack of knowing when to disappear into his room for a bit. I never thought I’d say it but it’s great to have someone else in the house.”
Mr J Beddows
How Live-In Care Works
Live-in carers help clients with all the tasks that they need support with. This may include getting up and dressed in the morning, taking a bath, cooking meals, shopping and cleaning. They’re not just there for the basics though. A live-in carer can accompany you on a walk, or a social visit. They’ll watch TV with you, play a game of cards and chat over a cup of tea.
The difference between live-in care and hourly care is that your carer is focused just on you. They never have to rush off to their next client; they won’t be hurrying through tasks because they have a schedule to keep. Your carer can concentrate on ensuring that you get the kind of support you need to live independently, in the way you wish.
Live-in Carers From Swarme
At Swarme we are committed to providing high quality care, tailored to each client. You will have the opportunity to set your own criteria for your live-in carer, and provide feedback on the support they offer. All our live-in carers are trained professionals who have the skills and experience to be able to adapt to the environment they’re working in. Most important, our person-centred care ensures that your needs are at the heart of all our endeavours.
Would you like to have an informal chat with someone from Swarme about how live-in care works? We’d love to hear from you; just call 0782 577 4700